Saturday, August 23, 2008

I know I shouldn't have, but...

(Imported from Ramblings of the Bearded One)

After the disappointment of yesterday, I gorged myself on far too much chocolate last night.

And felt considerably better for it.

Today I'm just generally a bit pissed off, rather than feeling that extreme void in chest, like my heart's been ripped out and dropped into the endless pit of despair.

For anyone out there who still thinks self medicating with food is just an excuse to be greedy, this is the bit you utterly fail to understand - chocolate works - at least temporarily.

Faced with the choice between emotional anguish, and a large bar of chocolate, there really isn't much competition. In that state you will completely ignore anyone saying, "Well, if you don't want to be overweight, just stop eating so much"

Unless they're covered in chocolate, that is.

In which case you'll be charged with cannibalism.


Andrew is getting fit said...


Kim Ayres said...


I know...

Pandora Woman said...

ERRR.............*hands you a bar of the goodies, Cote D'Or with hazelnuts, and vows not to buy any when I go to the store for breakfast*

did I tell you of the time I.........never mind.......


Kim Ayres said...

Pandora Woman - HUGS back at you :)

Anonymous said...

your writing is amazing. have you read confessions of a carb queen?!

reread this weekend.

powerful stuff as well.

hang in there...


Kim Ayres said...

Thanks for your warm words. Is confessions of a carb queen a book or a blog?