Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 197

1.8lb loss!

Woohoo! The corner has been turned. I'm on my way back down.

Until the next time I put some back on, that is...

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 3.2lb - 185.2lbs
Body fat: 26.5%
Total Weight Loss: 89.8lbs

Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 196

0.8lb loss!

This has been a good week. Very little in the way of extras. No evening snacking. I'm hoping the corner has been turned.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 5lb - 187lbs
Body fat: 26.7%
Total Weight Loss: 88lbs

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 195

0.4lb gain.

So back up to where I was a fortnight ago.

Mind you, it has been a pretty bad week emotionally and the worst of sins - snacking in the evening - has happened a couple of nights. That is one thing I have to get back under control.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 5.8lb - 187.8lbs
Body fat: 27%
Total Weight Loss: 87.2lbs

Monday, November 03, 2008


0.4lb loss.

At least it's a step in the right direction, if not as much as I'd hoped.

Still, helping a friend celebrate his birthday with one of my son's cakes on Saturday, was never going to be an effective weight loss strategy...

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 5.4lb - 187.4lbs
Body fat: 26.6%
Total Weight Loss: 87.6lbs