Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Week 37

Nuts! A one pound gain!

However, in my defence, m’lud, it was my birthday last week and I ended up going for 2 meals out last week and had extra cake on the day. Add to that the fact that the weather has been positively vile this week so I’ve barely left the house and I’ve used up all the excuses I can think of.

Statistical summary:

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 14st 12lb – 208lbs
Total Weight Loss: 67lbs
Weight Lost since joining the Knights of the Round Bottoms: 2lbs


fatmammycat said...

ah, well never mind, an anomaly, a mere blip on an otherwise excellent radar.

Kim Ayres said...

I do hope you're right fatmammycat. Even though I can see the reasons why, there is always that wee jolt of fear in case I've gone as far as I can go and the only way is back up again.

I don't really believe that, but the thought always occurs.