What can I say? A Chinese takeaway, a scone with the coffee in the cafe (twice in fact this past week), Maggie's comfort baking (see last part of Bruce's Stone entry on my main blog), and last night, because Maggie is in Glasgow all day today, we celebrated pancake day.
At least I can see why the weight went on.
On a
It appears there's another Knight on the scene that I'd missed, so welcome Sir Squishy!
Statistical summary:
Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 14st 5lb – 201lbs
Total Weight Loss: 74lbs
Weight Lost since joining the Knights of the Round Bottoms: 9lb
Thanks for the welcome. I so much appreciate your on-line support. The internet still blows me away: you in Scotland, me in Northern California, cheering each other on.
The technology that we have today is truly mind blowing. If you have a spare moment, I wrote a piece on my main blog a while back called We are cavemen living in a sci-fi world.
Hi Kim. Chinese takaway? Baking...mummmm.
I just got off the scales and don't worry, I've put on three pounds this week. One week of Spain and WOP! there it is. Oh well. Next week you and I will be smugly smiling at loss.
Hi Fatmammycat. Here's hoping!
A 3 pound gain in Spain Fatmammycat!!!
Ergggg. My hubby and I will be going for 3 weeks in a few months. I've given myself permission for a little indulgence. Now I'm afraid, very afraid. At 3 pounds a week, I could be up 9 pounds. Yikes. I've got to get some strong affirmations going.
This is the third reference I've found today to a bread product. It's a sign! A sign that I need more grain in my diet.
Gyrobo - if it's stuff about bread you're interested in then you might want to read the comment I left on Sir Chubalot's site back in October:
link here
Arlenewkw, relax honey, relax, I've eaten like a small pig and drank disgustingly.
it is Sunday evening here in Europe and already two of those pounds are gone, so chill girl. Life cannot always be about weight. Kim can vouch for me that I am a health nut, but every so often-like this week- I just let go. No guilt, no remorse, no worry. And if you going for a few weeks, go! Eat Paella, drink sangria, rum, eat calamari and pan con tomate. Do what you want to do. It is a holiday, it always goes again. By Wednesday I will be back to 138 pounds, so I don't give a damn, I'd rather enjoy the week and work out when I come home.
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