Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Week 67

1lb loss!

And I've just discovered that I'm officially "overweight", and have been for a few weeks! Wow, I'm no longer "obese"!

I think I'll need to write more about this.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 6lb – 188lbs
KoTRB Weight Lost : 221lb
Total Weight Loss: 87lbs

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Week 66


It did flicker on to 13-6, but settled at 13st 7lbs. My scales don't measure 1/2 pounds so I'll have to say I'm even this week.

Mind you, considering the size of the Chinese takeaway last night, and the fact that on Thursday Maggie made some home made chocolate ice cream to celebrate the fact that it was 1 year since we moved here, I did wonder whether I was actually going to have put on a pound. So I'm not complaining.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 7lb – 189lbs
KoTRB Weight Lost : 21lb
Total Weight Loss: 86lbs

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Week 65

1lb loss!

I wasn't that sure that I'd lose anything this week. Other than a piece of birthday cake for my mother-in-law's 86th I have been very good with my eating, but I've not exactly been that active. So I'm quite happy to accept the one pound loss.

Mind you, half of that is probably down to me cutting my beard so much shorter...

Statistical Significance: I'm now exactly 13 and a half stone, and I've dropped below the 190 pounds mark.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 7lb – 189lbs
KoTRB Weight Lost : 21lb
Total Weight Loss: 86lbs

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Week 64

1lb loss!

That was a little unexpected. I was pretty sure I’d be even this week. I wasn’t too well last week and so haven’t exactly been active. However, it evens up those weeks where I was trying really hard and nothing happened.

I'm pretty useless when it comes to working things out in Kilos, so over on the right I've inserted a pounds to kilos conversion table that I picked it up from http://www.metric-conversions.org

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 8lb – 190lbs
KoTRB Weight Lost : 20lb
Total Weight Loss: 85lbs

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Week 63

1lb loss!

Statistical Significance: I have lost exactly 6 stone.

OK, for Americans and Europeans the archaic measurement of 1 stone = 14 pounds might seem to be a bit of an odd thing to use as a marker. But here in the UK, everyone measures themselves in stones, so it is a major cause for celebration when you have lost one.

However, what is far weirder than this imperial measurement is the fact that it is also the same amount of weight as my 10 year old son. The idea that if I picked up Rogan and then stood on the scales, I would weigh exactly the same as when I began this healthy eating lifestyle is incredibly difficult for me to really get my head around.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 9lb – 191lbs
KoTRB Weight Lost : 19lb
Total Weight Loss: 84lbs