0.8lb gain.
Maggie and I have had long discussions about her ability to bake mouthwateringly scrumptious scones, cakes and biscuits before now, and how they don't help keep the weight off.
However, what are you to do when she teaches the children how to bake and not only can you not refuse because, well, they're your children, but they have also inherited her incredible talents, so you cannot stop at one?
Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 12st 13.8lb - 181.8lbs
Body fat: 25.5%
Total Weight Loss: 93.2lbs
Still here.. really I am - 4 years an 9 month later
Status: 139 kilo and 300 grams = 21 st. 13 lbs
As much as I weighed 10 years ago
Health: diabetis type II, high bloodpressure, arthrosis to the left knee
6 years ago
We've got a somewhat similar problem here in that my wife keeps this place stocked with chocolate. It's so tough to say no to when you know it tastes so good. And I haven't been able to convince her as of yet that we really don't need it here. Thankfully, she doesn't bake.
We've never been much for desserts, but last night my husband baked an apple pie. He used artificial sweetener instead of sugar so that I could have some and it was really quite delicious. We'll be doing some experimenting as occasions arise that require desserts. Happily, he's very conscious of my limitations and so he and the boy go elsewhere when they truly wish to indulge.
But I'm with you. If Z wanted to make something, there's no way I'd be able to say no.
Christopher - There are times when it's OK to have chocolate in the house, but that's usually only when I've been on track for at least 8 weeks. If I've been off the rails moe than one night, it's too much of a temptation
Sayre - if my kids carry on like this, they'll never be short of friends... although their friends may end up wearing stretch pants
I think being sick saved me a bit, because I was going to do some baking myself this weekend. I was going to experiment with a meringue cake thing. Four layers of meringue, with chocolate pastry cream between them, and whipped cream to cover it, and maybe a light dusting of cocoa powder.
Its tough enough with all the temptations in society. In this "supersize me" society thats all that is focused on, it really makes it tough at times...
FLG - get thee behind me Satan...
Yeldarb - we have evolved to love things that are sweet, fatty and salty. This was fine 50,000 years ago when such foods were rare, but these days they surround us and create sensory overload.
I couldn't agree with you more about the sensory overload....especially when it comes to salt. I've been trying to watch my sodium intake and found the amount of salt in everything very alarming.
Keep your chin up...I'm sure you'll get back on track soon enough, if you haven't already.
Maintenance is harder than losing the actual weight....and you my friend are doing great.
Thanks for the support Sir Squishy :)
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