Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week 179

Same as last week

No loss, but no gain. Given the major, over-the-top indulgences yesterday because of my wife's birthday I can only conclude it hasn't had a chance to metabolise yet and will show up next week instead.

However, this gives me a bit of hope that if I can stay on track this week (minus the leftover birthday cake I know we'll have tonight) perhaps I can offset the damage and show no gain next week.

Alternatively it might send me into a craving spiral which will take a week to pull out of.

Still, better to think postive...

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 12st 13.6lb - 181.6lbs
Body fat: 25.8%
Total Weight Loss: 93.4lbs


Sayre said...

Are we done with celebratory events for a while now? (Happy Birthday Maggie!) It's awfully hard to be good when there are so many lovely things to eat around you. Birthday cake, begone!

Kim Ayres said...

If you flick over to my main blog, you can discover just why the cake was so irresistable.

A close friend has a birthday in a month, and there is bound to be a cake for that.

And it's our 13th anniversary the month after that.

The following month it's my birthday

and so it goes on

Half Man said...

With seven living in our house, we have a lot of birthdays. Fortunately, I have not had time to bake, so the store purchased cakes aren't all that tempting.

ArleneWKW said...

The craving spirals can be killers, but you've successfully walked this path a number of times and, though you've stumbled, you've managed not to fall.

Andrew is getting fit said...

As long as you are not gaining live life and enjoy I say!

Kim Ayres said...

Half Man - it's the smells in the house of fresh baking which are the worst

Arlene - I might be ok this time - so far so good

Andrew - aye, but it's a delicate balance between enjoying and gaining

Anonymous said...

and?? did the thinking positive help?

where's our new post :)

(yes. I am delurking to nag.)

Kim Ayres said...

Mizfit - welcome to Losing a Hundredweight and thank you for taking the time to comment :)

So far (it's Thursday) I've kept on track, so there's hope yet.

New post on Monday (or Tuesday) on this blog - this blog is a weekly track of my weight and excuses.

My main blog is Ramblings of the Bearded One and is updated 2 or 3 times a week

fattygetsfit said...

Found you through MizFit...
As a fellow "weight-loser" myself, your story is inspirational! I'll be sure to check back, good luck!!

Kim Ayres said...

Hi Jillian, thanks for taking the time to visit and comment. I'll pop over and see your blog soon