Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Week 40

2lb loss!

Phew - every time I go for a week or two without losing any weight I begin to fear that I've plateaued. However, I can heave a sigh of relief I haven't this time.

Statistical Significance: having crossed the 70lb barrier, that means that I have now lost more than 5 stone since I began. I don't go hungry and I don't eat things that taste bad. I must be doing something right.

Statistical summary:

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 14st 8lb – 204lbs
Total Weight Loss: 71lbs
Weight Lost since joining the Knights of the Round Bottoms: 6lbs


Temposchlucker said...

You must be flying over the staircase!

fatmammycat said...

Ahem, I told ya so! Well done, the road to sveltesville continues with gusto.

Kim Ayres said...

Falling down the stairs more like, Sir Howling Belly.

And yes Fatmammycat, you did say so, though I'd like to know if it was a pure guess, or whether you have some deep and arcane knowledge I should know about :)

fatmammycat said...

Nope, no knowledge, arcane or otherwise, but I am thinking that your weight loss will continue in the style of Karate Kid, week on week off, and in the end you will triumph, even if that means you end up on one foot wearing a headband to do so. I have complete faith in you Kim. COMPLETE! Yikes too much coffee.

Kim Ayres said...

That faith could be misplaced, however, I did find myself standing with one foot on top of the wheelie bin the other day in the postion of white-crane-spreads-its-wings.

This is cool, I thought, just before I adopted the clumsy-oaf-falls-headfirst-into-the-coal-bunker position...

fatmammycat said...

See? That was your inner warrior calling out in you, listen to the voice...grasshopper.

Kim Ayres said...

So, as well as being a morally loose kickboxer with beautiful ankles and a fondness for kippers, do your eyes bulge out slightly too?

(just trying to get an accurate image of my new mentor ;) )

fatmammycat said...

Nope, to go with my auburn hair they are slate grey and of the non-bulging variety, I should point out I cannot catch a fly with chopsticks either, although I do own a remarkably fast one-eyed tabby who can..er although not with chopsticks either, just paws.
Okily dokily, going to the gym. Wish me luck, I'm trying to shave 4 minutes off my time on the bike so that I can hit 30k in 60 mins, so far no go- closest I'm doing is 64 mins but I'm planning to peddle that sucker into the ground today. See y'all.

Kim Ayres said...

I did have a fabulous image of a tabby with a set of chopsticks for a brief moment - shame you had to qualify the statement.

Well best of luck with the bike. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

fatmammycat said...

Gah! 63 mins, 19 seconds. Oh well, I know it is only 41 seconds faster, but still, I'll take it. Oddly enough I'm slowest in the first half an hour and then hit my stride in the second-actually gaining time in the last quarter. The first 18 minutes are torturous and make me cross. However, I'll see that 41 seconds on Thursday and spank it a little.
I'm trying, you see, to get every thing to fit neatly in my hour of cardio. I want to be able to run 10k in an hour and bike 30k in an hour, so far I can do neither, although improvements in both are coming along. I'm hitting 10k running at 72 minutes, down from a painful 181. I love these little races and challanges. It makes the whole thing more interesting for me, adds to the motivation too. And beetroot face and disgustingly soaking t-shirt aside, I always feel tops after it all.

Kim Ayres said...

Cycling for over an hour? *pant* *pant* *gasp* *collapse in heap*

How's your swimming? Are you planning on a triathlon at some point?

fatmammycat said...

My swimming is abysmal, although I am trying to improve it too. I'm not training for anything in particular, I just like setting myself the challange. Sometimes in the showers after I think about when I used to smoke and running to catch the bus would make me cough and it makes me laugh out loud.

Kim Ayres said...

Sounds like you've gone through a fundamental change in your life. What were the trigger factors?