Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Week 60

2 lb loss!!


I'm under the 14 stone mark - I'm now 13st 12lb.

That also means that I've crossed the 80lb weight-loss barrier too!

Time to celebrate with a large chocolate fudge cake...


Starting Weight: 19st 9lb – 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 12lb – 194lbs
KoTRB Weight Lost : 16lb
Total Weight Loss: 81lbs


fatmammycat said...

Yeah! Well done, I'm clapping. Tell me, did you walk a bit this week?

Kim Ayres said...

Of course I did, although nothing like as much as the hour a day. I did a brisk 40 minute walk last Tuesday, 2 or 3 15-minute walks to the supermarket and carrying the shopping back, and an hour's slow walk along a woodlands path with the kids on Sunday. It's not marathon training stuff, but I have tried to be much more conscious of trying to be a bit more active

ArleneWKW said...

Good for you Kim, but . . . Did you have to mention the large chocolate fudge cake? I can visualize then smell then taste. Luckily I'd have to combine ingredients and bake or go to the store to complete the fantasy.
Hurray for you in any case. It looks like your getting pretty close to your goal.

Gyrobo said...

I'd go off on a whole tangent right now about an exercise routine that turns into a joke, but that would probably make a funny post.

Congrats on losing roughly .9 kilograms! Math if fun!

Gyrobo said...

Wait... I think I did that backwards...

Math is not as fun as previously indicated!

Kim Ayres said...

Arlene - that's a large part of the problem - it's far easier to visualise the cake than it is to visualise the leaner, healthier, fitter body we could have if we didn't keep visualising the cake.

Still quite a way to go to get to the goal. And it depends on whether I decide to go for the UK hundredweight (112lbs) or chicken out at the US one (100lbs)

Gyrobo - I guess weight isn't an issue for robots, or do you dream of replacing steel parts with carbon-fibre?

ArleneWKW said...

Excellent point Kim.

Don Q. said...

Well done as usual. Hard to know what to do to celebrate these days, isn't it? Most celebrations involve some sort of wild eating frenzy. Still workin gon that one. will let you know what I come up with.

Sancho Pawnza said...

Nice going Kim!

Kim Ayres said...

Arlene - thank you - now if I could just remember all these wise words I come up with...

LORD Chubalot - congratulations my weight-loss buddy - you are an inspiration to us all!

Sir Semisolid - thanks!