1.8lb loss!
Woohoo! The corner has been turned. I'm on my way back down.
Until the next time I put some back on, that is...
Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 13st 3.2lb - 185.2lbs
Body fat: 26.5%
Total Weight Loss: 89.8lbs
Still here.. really I am - 4 years an 9 month later
Status: 139 kilo and 300 grams = 21 st. 13 lbs
As much as I weighed 10 years ago
Health: diabetis type II, high bloodpressure, arthrosis to the left knee
6 years ago
Ye-haw! Well done Kim.
Thank-ee very kindly miss :)
Woot! Nicely done mate! Congrats!
Yipee! I'd like to walk in your shoes now...
Doctor appointment tomorrow - I'll have a better idea of what's really going on as my own scale seems to have gone kablooey. I hope I didn't kill it.
FLG - thanks :)
Sayre - I don't know whether my shoes would fit you...
Best of luck with the appointment:)
Good luck tomorrow Sayre.
Kim, what do you feel was different this week? Did you eat differently? Or exercise more? I ask because I'm on a odd- for me- diet change at the moment and interested in weight drops.
What was different was I was on track completely this week. I didn't have the evening snacks, I didn't have a sneaky pudding and I didn't have too many 2nd helpings.
When I stay on track with the healthy eating, my body starts dropping to a healthier weight. When I go off track, it puts it on.
The battle for me is, and always has been, with my state of mind. Do I feel good enough about myself to want to be healthier, or do I feel lousy and crave curling up on the sofa and stuffing my face?
My body will always want the food, so the fight is with my will to overcome the cravings
If there's anything you'd like to ask, or run by me in a less public place, don't forget you can email me, FMC :)
Cheers Kim.
great job, 185, thats such a nice sounding number, much better then my 318, have a great and healthy thanksgiving
Twice the Man - well I was 275 when I started. You've already come further than I could actually go :)
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