Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 280

1lb loss!

Phew! After last week's unexpected gain I had a moment of fear that it was going to unravel. However, it was just a blip and if I'd lost 0.4lbs last week and another 0.4lbs this week then I would have ended up in the same place and felt quite content.

Starting Weight: 19st 9lb - 275lbs
Current Weight: 12st 1lb - 169lbs
Body fat: 21.4%
Total Weight Loss: 106lbs


Sayre said...

You are an inspiration, Kim!

Big Clyde said...

Nice. Any loss is a good one! I am new to your blog and look forward to hearing more about you doing your thing.

BrightenedBoy said...

Congratulations. What you are doing takes rare self-discipline and self-respect.

Kim Ayres said...

Sayre - that's a very kind thing to say, thank you :)

Big Clyde - Welcome! The most useful info is on my sidebar - look under the sections "Ignore the dates - these posts are for commenting on at any time" and "Posts and observations of my weight loss"

Brightened Boy - actually what it takes is the right understanding and motivation. With the right motivation, people can achieve almost anything.